Back March 27, 2024

Vertical slice

A vertical slice is like a tiny bite of a sandwich, you get to taste the ingredients, but it’s not a meal.

Some of the “ingredients” involved are:

Honestly, I’m not strictly following a “recipe”. In fact, I’ve been known to substitute Worcestershire sauce with soy sauce.

Against all odds, I can still show you a sneak peek of the vision.

Shozar Vertical Slice

Let’s break down the ingredients.


I’ve spent a few weeks writing and rewriting the story, and it’s shaping up nicely. However, as you can see above, the story is moving faster than what feels natural, so I’ll probably need a few months to really polish it.

I had hoped the opening I wrote in screenplay format would easily transfer to a comic book page, but the transformation proved to be non-trivial. Let me show you the writing tools I’m using.


Storyboarding and panelling are intertwined: a page can only hold so many ideas.

Different page structures carry different emotions. For example, take a look at these 3 variations.

Paneling and storyboarding

I’m no expert at any of this, so I’ve been brute forcing the perfect panel by coming up with many variants, asking people what feelings are provoked by the shape of the page, and then going from there.

One day I’ll be able to generate the right panel without much assistance.


I begged my talented wife to doodle some characters with a sharpie on standard printer paper. It took her all of 2 minutes to draw this on the first try. Some people are just built differently, truly.

Raw sketches

I found an old scanner tucked away in a closet (CanoScan LiDE 120), crossed my fingers for a Linux driver, and started scanning away at 300 dpi.

In GIMP, there’s a wonderful Despeckle filter (radius 5, black level 42, white level 213) that rounds off the rough edges. Then, I use the Levels filter to normalize the colors, and also to make it easier to remove the background.


Most of the assembly happens in Inkscape.

The grid snapping feature and the straight-line tool let me move pretty quickly here.

Panel layout

My favorite part is throwing together all the assets, as this is when the magic begins to emerge.

Panel with images


As an experiment, I contacted several artists on Instagram open to commissions, each at different price points.

In my opinion, the winner was Marcelo, whose version is the one on display in the vertical slice.

Can you see the resemblance to one of his older pieces?

Snow texture and dark color scheme

So, there you have it!

More to come; subscribe to stay updated!

— Z.


© 2024 Shozar